Почему бы после стольких лет не возобновить рубрику? 31 июня Леонид Квинихидзе, 1978 Знаю, стыдно, что посмотрела только в этом году. Не знаю, как это я так долго до него шла, ведь тут все как я люблю: мюзикл, путешествия во времени, Средневековье с магами, энгст и любовь! Песни, костюмы и сама история создали волшебную атмосферу, в которую было приятно погрузиться. А как дивно...

Fanny pack, bum bag, utility bag, belt bag – it has many names. An accessory brought to us with the 90s era aesthetic revival, it has become the new wardrobe staple. When the capricious lady called the fashion industry annoyingly threw at us the new fanny pack trend, I sighed realizing that it’s another trend that I won’t accept. But look at me...

While everyone is going crazy for Euphoria and the make-up in this hit series, I’m just here watching Koreans rocking glitter stickers and rhinestones like no one else - both men and women, by the way. They sure know how to sparkle. Kim A Hyun for Ceci Korea Honestly, I’ve become obsessed with this kind of make-up and considering I’m not one to...

BTS made some legit buzz when they attended the Grammys! They didn’t just walk down the red carpet, BTS became the first k-pop group to present an award. And let’s not forget about Love Yourself: Tear got nominated for the best recording package. How exciting is that? Of course, everyone was curious about what the guys would wear on such an important night....